Scorpio Energy Spell


  • Old cooking pot
  • Water
  • 3 pieces of jet
  • ½ teaspoon angelica
  • ½ teaspoon elder tree leaves
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Paper
  • Pen/pencil
  • Bowl

Time: Tuesday or Saturday, hour of Mars or Saturn, moon or sun in Scorpio, dark of the moon

Fill an old cooking pot with water (the bigger the problem, the more water). Add 3 pieces of jet; ½ teaspoon angelica; ½ teaspoon elder tree leaves; and one teaspoon lemon juice.

On a piece of paper, outline the problem and the resolution needed. Draw the sigils for Pluto and Scorpio over the pot and add them to the top and bottom of your paper. Fold the paper into a small triangle.

Bring mixture to a boil and add the paper triangle, visualizing a positive outcome. Boil dry (be careful, and watch the pot closely so you don’t create an accident or hazard). Turn off the burner and allow the pot to cool.

Scrape the contents into a bowl and empty the bowl at a crossroads at midnight.