Mabon (Autumn Equinox)


  • Incense
  • Burner
  • Chalice of water
  • Salt
  • Pentacle
  • Dagger or sword
  • Chalice of wine
  • Wand
  • Autumn colored ribbons tied upon dagger
  • Autumn leaves for decoration
  • 3 candles: white, red, and black set around the cauldron
  • Ivy in the cauldron

Special Notes: Balance of light and dark, time of rest after labor, completion of the harvest, thanksgiving. A good time for meditations on reincarnations in preparation for Samhain.

Cast the circle:

Light the three candles around the altar:
“I call upon the blessed Lady, queen of the harvest,
giver of life and plenty since before time began.
Bestow upon me your joy and beauty,
power and prosperity, I do ask.”

Salute ivy filled cauldron with dagger, say:
“I call upon the Lord of the harvest, sacred King,
giver of riches and protection since before time began.
Bestow upon me your strength and laughter, power and prosperity,
I do ask.”

Take the ribbon tied dagger in your power hand wine chalice in the other hand, say:
“Always has life fulfilled its cycle
and led to life anew in the eternal chain of the living.
In honor of the Old Gods, I mark the fullness of my life
and the harvest of this year’s lessons.”

Walk three times clockwise around the circle, beginning in the east, chant:
“The year-wheel turns, and bounty comes.”

Move back to the altar, lay aside dagger. Set wine chalice on pentacle briefly. As you make the following toasts, raise the chalice high before taking a sip:
“To the good seasons that have gone and the good ones yet to come.
Blessed be.
To the Goddess! May she bring peace and fulfillment
to all her children. Blessed be.
To the God! May he protect his followers
and bring me prosperity and happiness.
Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again! Blessed be.”

Continue with closing the circle.