Group Prayer to the Elemental Spirits

I make this sign in the East,
the sign of Air,
to the beings of Air,
to call to them, to call them here,
to come to those who worship here.
Come, you are welcome, Spirits of Air.

I make this sign in the South,
the sign of Fire,
to the beings of Fire,
to call to them, to call them here,
to come to those who worship here.
Come, you are welcome, Spirits of Fire.

I make this sign in the West,
the sign of Water,
to the beings of Water,
to call to them, to call them here,
to come to those who worship here.
Come, you are welcome, Spirits of Water.

I make this sign in the North,
the sign of Earth,
to the beings of Earth,
to call to them, to call them here,
to come to those who worship here.
Come, you are welcome, Spirits of Earth.