Goddess Prayer

Beloved Goddess of the silver moon!
Mistress of mysteries — Queen of the sea!
I call upon thee in ancient names —
Artemis, Cerridwen, Hecate!

Beloved sister of the hidden wood!
Child enchantress — Star of the night!
I call upon thee of the untamed wilds —
Descend with your laughter and secret delight!

Beloved Mother of the ageless womb,
From which the many worlds, at once, were born!
I call upon thee of the gentle Earth —
From whose breast, and whose belly our bounty is shorn!

Beloved wise-woman, spinner of fates!
Weaver of dream webs — bearer of death!
I call upon thee of the waning skies —
Grant me your vision and open my eyes!
Goddess I ask thee to live within me!
Grant me your knowing, and show me to see!
Lend me your wisdom and love for all things;
Goddess of magick, I call unto thee!

Artemis, Cerridwen, Hecate!
Artemis, Cerridwen, Hecate!
(Repeat until her presence is felt all around)