E-Mail Cyber Spell


  • White candle
  • Computer with e-mail service

Do this spell at midnight.

Draw a sacred circle around your computer. Put the candle a safe distance away from your screen, and then light it, dedicating it to your favorite deities. Then turn on your computer, click on your e-mail program, and sit back and merge with the candle flame and screen. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, and say:
"By moonshine the animals sing
By starlight, the owl does wing
Across the window of the web
Gliding into the timeless ebb.

Oh computer, cyber cauldron of creation,
Weave a brilliant web for my navigation.
In internet server and user circles tonight,
Filter out the spam and bring email bright.

I call upon all of my cyber friends
And invite them to click on now!
I call upon the cyber spirits of Earth
And invite them to click on now!
I call upon the cyber spirits of Air
And invite them to click on now!
I call upon the cyber spirits of Fire
And invite them to click on now!
I call upon the cyber spirits of Water
And invite them to click on now!

Oh great cyber Goddess keep us whole
Let your power and love fill our souls
Oh great cyber God keep us whole
Let your power and love fill our souls.
We are the flow, we are the ebb
We are the weavers of the internet web

Blessed be the cyber God and Goddess,
Blessed be the providers, servers, and users!
Blessed be all the weavers of the web
Blessed be! Blessed be! Blessed be!"

Now e-mail three people that you know. You can use e-cards to add some visuals to your communication. Just search “e-cards”, and you will find a large list to choose from. Next, go to http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html, and then surf the internet for some of your favorite sites on magick.