Consecrating Your Magick Tools


  • Tool
  • Sage and cedar smudge stick
  • Sandalwood incense
  • Salt/earth
  • A candle
  • Water
  • Scented oil

When you get a new tool, first smudge it thoroughly with a sage and cedar smudge stick to clear out any unwanted energies.

To consecrate your new tool, bless it with the elements of Earth (salt/soil), Air (incense), Fire (flame), Water, and Spirit (scented oil). Actually apply the element to the tool. Sprinkle the salt on the tool, then pass it through incense smoke, a candle flame, sprinkle it with water, and rub it with scented oil. Then hold the tool in your hands and present it to each of the for directions, moving in a clockwise circle. Next, face the altar, and say:
“I charge this tool by the Ancient Ones,
By the divine powers of the Goddess and God,
By the powers of the sun, moon, planets, and stars
By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,
May I attain all that I desire through this tool.
Charge and bless this tool with your power Old Ones!
Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!”

A more elaborate way to consecrate your tools and other items used in magick is by merging deeply with the divine energies of the Goddess and God, and blessing the tools with the elemental qualities they correspond to, be it Earth, Air, Fire, or Water.

To consecrate the bowl, fill it with salt or earth, hold it upward toward the North point of your magick circle, and say:
“Generous and Divine powers of earth,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy.
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!”

To consecrate your incense censor, put incense in it, light it, and then hold it upward toward the East point of your magick circle, and say:
“Generous and Divine powers of air,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy.
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!”

To consecrate your candle holder, hold it upward toward the South point of your magick circle, and say:
“Generous and Divine powers of fire,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy.
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!”

To consecrate your chalice, cup, or cauldron, hold each one of them upward toward the West point of your magick circle, and say:
“Generous and Divine powers of water,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy.
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!”

To empower your tools even more, pass them through or sprinkle them with the corresponding element. For example, pass your candle holder through the flame of a candle, or sprinkle water on your chalice. When doing this, say:
“With this element,
I consecrate this tool to the Goddess and God.
Blessed be! So shall it be!”